About us

ECO SOLUCIONES VERTEDERO CERO, emerges as a professional group with vast experience in waste management, circular economy and renewable power generation, offering solutions to treat these challenges through technological evolution, encouraged by the gradual and constantly evolving social consciousness about problems created by waste,  which allows us to approach this complex problem with a variety of solutions.

ECO SOLUCIONES VERTEDERO CERO, designs complex processes, where various technologies of different partners are combined, which permit to offer solutions adapted to every socio-economic or territorial situations, basing solutions on the modular character of these situations.

Our goal is to generate value from waste for our clients, partners and all global citizens.

Do you have a project? Get in touch with us to offer you a solution that suits you.


EcoSoluciones Vertedero Cero, by approaching waste as an opportunity rather than an expensive problem to solve, changes the traditional paradigm where waste becomes a resource by conversion into raw materials that we re-value through it’s re-use, recovery and treatment, and taking advantage of it’s capacity to generate ecological and biological fuels through processes that are environmentally friendly.

A new approach that positively affects the social economy, generating local employment, eliminates any enviromental impact from waste, it returns to the market through circular economy, as valuable raw materials and considerably reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.

Our vision implies to collaborate with a world that does not waste and contaminates, but one that reuses and recycles waste. A world where not wasting generates value.


EcoSoluciones Vertedero Cero, sustains its values on our own objectives established upon it’s foundation.

  • Ethical commitment with society to achieve a less contaminant environment and without waste.
  • A very strong Social commitment with every one of our projects, focused on socio-labor integration and the dignification of spontaneous recyclers.
  • Commitment with divulgation and training on recycling culture and environmental respect.
  • Commitment with economical development, that generates wealth and employment, through the impulse of circular economy.
¿Quiénes somos?


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